Monday, May 6, 2013

what three looks like

The sun sets over this gorgeous valley and I settle into my first quiet of the day.  Work is full and nutty this time of year, the heat riling children up in new and wild ways, my job more like tap-dancing and pleading than teaching.  Anything for some quiet.  Anything.

My children seem to have the same spring thang.  With temperatures close to eighty here today, everyone is wildly giddy.  Eliana just seems to touch and talk about everything in her path.  She's all about doing it herself right now which can be really, really awesome (like when I find her in the kitchen fixing snack plates for her and her brother) or really, really annoying (like when she insists on pulling out her clothes by herself and in climbing the closet shelves ends up dumping the whole lot of freshly folded duds on the floor).  Solomon continues to be non-stop motion.  He had his three year check up today and managed to stand on my thighs (straight up, mind you) three times during the visit.  Dr. Judy smiled and talked about how agile and physical he is, how I handle him so well.  That's all I've known from him.  I feel like Dr. J and I have been having the exact same conversation about him each time since he's been about six months old.  He's always sweet and personable and moving like a mo-fo.  He climbed up on to the examination table on his own, put his little hands behind his head and splayed his little body out like a rock star poolside.  Dr. Judy and I exchanged a lot of smiling glances while Soli showed off how rad he is at three.  Awesome.

And my quiet reverie was very rudely and abruptly interrupted by two little chickens leaving their rooms, claiming hunger, demanding toast at which point I realize that the trash is sort of stinky, lift it from the can, and the bag bursts all over the floor of what was, finally, a clean kitchen.  Which turns into sweeping and sifting and then there are no more bags and I'm covered in coffee grounds and grime and need to take a shower and the kids are hustled back into bed by dad.  Now, half an exhausting hour and one lovely shower later, I don't have my same mojo to write.

Which is kinda how I feel a lot of the time right now.  I choose to have Solomon in May because it's always the toughest month to teach.  I kept waiting this weekend to have the energy to blog about Sol, to get an awesome picture, to capture that essential moment.  But the moments just kept flowing and going, one into the other like wildfire, no time to stop and reflect because at the end of it all, I'm just sort of done by the time the get in bed.  That said, I did manage to finally upload a bunch of pictures from my camera on to the computer and there is some great stuff. 

It's been a heck of a ride these past few months. We've blasted into spring, said goodbye and hello to dad, dressed up,  paraded through town, hiked the "M", eaten too much sushi.  We've rocked some really awesome bedhead, rocked harder on little guitars, had cake and ice-cream and stayed up way to late on our third birthday.  We've yelled and sighed and cursed and laughed and danced to, "Footloose" (you've gotta see the way Soli air-guitars those opening bars...).  We are these wild moments. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

they are so big and beautiful!!! and you remind me that i need to make appts for my kids to go see the pediatrician. zoinks! xoxo