Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Every baby needs her homegirls to chat with...

I caught up with my homey Dr. Sears last night and read about all the amazing things that Eliana's almost 15 month self is going through. He suggested to begin a "word list" to keep track of your 'lil spitfire's burgeoning vocabulary. I got pretty excited about that idea, so here goes:

Eliana's palabritas (aka, little words):
cheese (pronounced "chiz")
breakfast (only said in the mornings - she's truly remarkable)
hot (accompanied with a little hand wave by her mouth, so dear)
pop pop
baby (or buh buh)
luz (as in lucy, the dog)
woof (said anytime she see's lucy or hears another doggie barking)
bye-bye (the current favorite...not said at the appropriate time exactly, but successive times following a goodbye, when the folks we are saying goodbye to are long gone...except for the other morning when she said, "bah bahyee mama" when I walked out the door to work. Woah.)
no, no, no (another fav - said when she's doing things she's not supposed to do)

She's too much, this girl. Too much.


Anonymous said...

Oh my Gillian! I can't believe she has so many words. She's absolutely amazing and pretty cute to boot. Yes - lets make a date soon. Love, The Jones'

dig this chick said...

WORDS. Can't wait. Loved that afternoon in the park.

Casey said...

It's so cool that Moana is one of her first words. I hope Eh-ie counts on Moana's list. It's not as clear as Miss Breakfast but I'll have you know Moana said "Bye Bye" to our friends tonight - clear as a bell and at the exact right moment. I didn't teach her that! It's was all her homegirl's doing! Love you guys. Miss you already. Tell Jeff I mailed the check. And that we'll miss him too! xo

Anonymous said...

What a lot of words for a small person. i wish I could hear them. Don't you think the she looks like her grandmother in the picture of the three chaps???
