Sunday, September 9, 2012

red sun

The valley can't decide if she's smokin'.  The sun is a red ball in the sky, the sunset striped hot pink.  An 80's sunset.  Ash sprinkles the deck.  Yesterday all was clear.  It's a moment to moment thing around here.

I'm feeling like that's my big metaphor as we move into the fall.  Try my best to sleep well, eat well, and be prepared for anything.  Eliana's transition into kindergarten has been pretty smooth.  Sure she's tuckered at the end of the day, but this is a girl whose been going to school all day everyday for two years.  She's pretty down. 

Solomon begins week three of preschool next week.  Friday was the first day that I left him without his screams following me as I ran out the door, his teacher peeling him from me like the primate he is, me wiping my tears as I hightailed it outta there back to work.  I'm feeling better about it.  My little big man.  He's all tough at the end of the day - a cut above his eye and on his nose (his teachers say they don't know what happened as he never cried...), feet that smell like he's fourteen, all big words and trucks and balls.

Eliana's on to the bigger things in life.  She's all about the life and death questions lately.  She doesn't understand why God would make people if he was also going to make death.  This from the backseat after eight hours of teaching children.  Lots of deep thoughts out there.  I wish I could write down half the things she says.  Unfortunately my memory is such that if it doesn't happen right away, it's gone. I'm a moment girl too.

Our We continues to be mighty.  Kelli and Annabelle joined us for a week.  They helped with PopPop visits and were here to welcome Roseann with her return on Saturday.   All seven of us slept under the same roof here on this gorgeous little patch of mountainside.  How thankful I am for all of them, for this time, for this valley.  There is a whole lot of love happening here.  

This weekend I have the deep, satisfying exhaustion that accompanies a week of work and family.  It feels good.  It feels right.  I just wanted to be home.  Just wanted to watch my babies, not talk a whole lot.  Eliana and I watched the movie, "Because of Winn-Dixie" while Sol slept today.  She is suddenly at this age where we can watch movies together and I actually enjoy it.  I've read this book to my students for years and it opens all sorts of great dialogue up about race and death, bullying and what happens when you keep your feelings all locked up.  There I was snuggling with Els, processing all these big themes, answering her sweet questions.  I cried happy tears during the credits.  So happy to have her, to have this time.  

Tomorrow my handsome hubby crosses into the latter part of his third decade.  I am very much in love with him right now.  I so want to give him the world on his special day.  I found a beautiful silver hair in his thick browns tonight.  It made me happy.  I think we're all getting better with age.

Speaking of age, I have to take a moment to commend my beautiful mama-in-law.  Having a little respite from all the care she's been giving her man these past, say, forty years, shows.  She looks vibrant and clear and grounded.  It feels so right.  Morty likes his new home.  And Roseann is finding a way to bring her best self into this bright new world.  It's sad and sweet mixed together, like the Lithmus Lozenges in Winn-Dixie.  That was a sorta tough concept to explain to Elie.  That with the bad, comes the good.  The 'ol bittersweet.  

I love how sentimental and appreciative I'm feeling right now.  It's a good place to be.  My dad gave a memorial for Mary yesterday.  I spoke to him today and he sounded a bit lighter.  Closure is good.  I wish I could have been there.  But it sure is good to be here.  Here where Halloween costumes from Target bought by sweet Nana can provide days, months of pleasure, where Soli's little face in his Spiderman mask can just melt my heart in a zillion ways.  

Here's to fall.  To my man and his bday.  To life and death and Halloween costumes and movies rented from the library.  To kindergarten and preschool and grandmas and grandpas.  To Fiona Apple on my Pandora and Melissa who will read this at work in the morning.  Love you all.  

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