Thursday, September 12, 2013


Phew!  Two weeks in and that's about the only word I have for it.  Eighty-eight students back to back this year. It's organization, anecdotal records, clean files, exact plans.  The kids are getting in the groove.  Such troopers, my children.  Huge. 

It's a beautiful, warm September.  The kind of smoke-free September that is so rare around here.  Upstairs in the school building where I work is like a burning stove of intensity.  Everything about me shifts in the fall.  What I wear.  How I smell. 

Eliana started soccer after school today.  I was such that donkey kid who never really played any team sports.  I was a dancer through and through but at times regret not having that base knowledge of American athletics in my back pocket.  So there was my goofball girl, kicking the ball at the cones, all long flowing hair and pink bike shorts.  No Umbros for Els.  She looked pretty funny.  And good lord was she hot and tired at the end of it all.  I think between Eliana and Sol's feet and my whole being we could win a contest for funkiest family.  Dang. 

So they sit in the basement and happily watch a show.  I sit up here in the cool shade and happily type away.  I'm cool with the roller coaster.  It's totally insane and full and all flips and loopy loo's, but it's mine.  It's ours. It's what we do.  Phew. 

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