Wednesday, July 2, 2014

feeling young

One of the best things about summer is that it feels so carefree.  Each day sort of ambles into the next, a litany of sweet simplicities -- lazy mornings, watering the garden, smoothies and snacks.  I took my carefree one step further by meeting my boyfriend Michael Franti in a giant field behind the airport.  He sang soft and acoustic while I did sun salutations.  He spotted people in headstands.  His savasana words and tunes were a taste of absolute perfection. 

I was there alone.  On my mat alone, but surrounded by so much love.  So much youthful and positive energy.  As the yoga session morphed into a concert, each new band that took the stage impacted me in some way.  I was able to focus and listen and dance with abandon, dance with my body loose and light.  There was this couple that was in for the long haul with me.  They were probably in their early sixties, funky hats and leathered skin.   When Franti finally performed his set with the band, I watched them slow dancing on their little yoga mat, all young love and real promises. 

I thought of my husband and wished that he had sprung for the 50 dollar ticket so that we could have mat-danced together.  I thought of my kiddos and how someday, I will bring them to a show with me.  For now, I feel almost too selfish.  Like I don't want any of their needs or discontents to mess with my moves, with my ability to fully focus and embrace my inner groove.  Eliana told me this morning that rock concerts weren't really for her.  So that works for now.  Jeffy hates the heat.  Kids aren't into the loud music.  For now, I hold the music for myself, for remembering the capacities of my shoulders and neck and hips, how good it feels to really let go. 

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