Wednesday, April 23, 2008

bum bum

Eliana has produced her second, vowel/consonant combination. While she mastered the, "ma, ma" combination a month or so back, we haven't really heard anything new in a while. Until she started with the, "buh, buh, bum, bum", or bunny, for short (or long). Eliana has one favorite book. Actually I could call it her absolute favorite toy seeing as today she consistently chose it over all the others in the line-up - she just sat there flipping the long, cardboard pages like a mad-woman, smiling at bunny as he greeted the many seasons, chased the butterflies, and "curled up in his hollow tree" to dream about spring. The book is, I am a Bunny by Richard Scarry. Homegirl love bunny. In fact, she loves the book so much, that she won't let Jeff read her anything else. She's actually hurled herself out of his lap and towards Bunny on the little bench by the chair and grabbed for it while he tried his hand at, say, The Best Mouse Cookie or Snuggle Puppy. She's really not interested in any other book, just sweeps them off the shelf with a swipe of her ever-elongating arm. And now she says, "buh, buh, bum" in honor of her favorite guy. She says, "buh bum" when we say bunny. She says it when she sees the cover of the book. She even says it when Jeffy just starts talking in the bunny voice. She goes nuts when she actually sees the book and realizes that it's time to have it read to her, the whole way through (or in tonights case, four times through). And that kind of recognition and conviction and unwavering opinion is pretty damn cool.

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