Tuesday, June 17, 2008

fourth trimester, revisited

Eliana and I are so enjoying our time with Melissa and Avi. What really strikes me is how very different these two babies are who are a mere six months apart in age. Avi and Melissa are still in that very sweet fourth trimester. He has nothing but eyes for her. She has nothing but eyes for him. He nurses, sleeps, poops and lies on his back, looking longingly up at his mama. Melissa has a sweet, running narrative with him, telling him what she's up to and making sure he always knows she is right there for him. They have this little love bubble around them. They are still in that cocoon-y love place.

And then there's my girl. She is into everything. She crawls around the casa and throws all Avi's toys around. Yesterday while Avi was in his bouncy seat, Eliana confidently stepped her two little feet on either side and balanced, hovering over him with a big smile. My little big girl. She is such a part of the greater world these days. She doesn't sleep in the ergo because there's just too damn much to see and take in. She interacts with everyone.

Last night we found ourselves in a crowded, loud tapas place, way past her bedtime. We had met up with Andrew and Julie and Heather and John, Eliana getting to spend time with her extended San Francisco family. Mama was drinking sangria and trying to just go with the unstructured flow of vacation. Eliana was making eyes with the busboys, shoving black beans and bread in her mouth (and on her face, clothes, neck, hands...) and trying to stand up in her high chair. She is dying to catapult herself out of anything these days. She is constantly on the move.

And then suddenly she feels sleepy. And all she wants is a quiet place with her mama's breast. We find ourselves back in that cocoon like space. We stare at each other and communicate by blinking deliberately back and forth. Eventually she falls to sleep. I gingerly place her in her makeshift criblet and remember that she's not all that grown up after all.

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