I'm dorking out hard tonight. I know that part of it is Jeff's away in Seattle for work, so I'm all alone with the chickens, pulling out my dork tricks. Lots of musical theatre on the radio. Lots of dancing in the kitchen. Actually though, along with the dorkness, I'd say I've pulled a few badass mama tricks as well. Like bringing Els to her first dentist appointment which was way, way too much fun. She was awesome! If only I had my camera to capture her on her back in the examination chair, watching A Bug's Life on the TV on the ceiling, headphones on her ears, shredder shades on her eyes. She was in seventh heaven! And Sol was super smiley and sweet, the hunky attraction for the lovely dental assistants. The afternoon involved treats at the Good Food Store, lots of Wicked bites on YouTube (why do you always cry happy tears at these songs, Mama?), a smooth as silk bath with all three of us, and mellow bedtimes. I then got my inner Dorkus Maximus teacher groove on and wrote a rad play about simple machines to debut with my chickens this week. I'm way too excited about it. It's funny what floats your boat as you get older. If six pages of third grade informative humor wasn't enough, now I get to type here on this blog.
Found all sorts of sweet pics on the new camera. Love finding Jeff's gems. I always learn a bit more about what they do when I'm not around. Like this, for instance. Note the second pic. I walked in and immediately beelined for Sol in the big boy seat.
And he took them for a loop around the park, testing Sol's big head in the bike trailer.
Of course, there's my Happy. Who has taken only a few trips to the dark side as of late. Today she was an absolute gem. She's starting to enjoy her brother (mostly). The other morning I put him in the crib so he could help me wake her for school. She was so sweet and said, Mama, take a picture of me and baby bro in my crib! He's always so wide eyed and innocent. She's always so mysterious and deep (an unpredictable mixture of snark and sweet).
And then I catch her in moments of creative genius. She adores all forms of art. Painting and collage and playdoh. Way multimedia, my girl.
Piano playing and dance and, of course, song after song after song. Here she is rocking it hard one night in her room, sola style, breaking free from the piano to bust the Hokey Pokey alone.
Then yesterday, at an impromptu dance party with the oldest member of her dance posse, Moana. When Moana showed up she was ready to rock in fairy wings, footed pjs, and a rhinestone tipped tutu. Watch out. God I love that girl. Sometimes I see her move and it's so me. Pretty cool.
When she's not a dancing, doctoring diva, she's simply a mama. A mama who, like her mama, loves her Baby.
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