Wednesday, March 16, 2011

big sol

My Big Sol. My Big Sol walks. He walks and talks and is totally aware of everything, all the time. My Big Sol will be one soon. My Big Sol makes my heart melt. He charms everyone he's around. We all love him. They all love him. He's never fussy or sad. Just curious. And moving. Walking. Eating. Touching. Watching to make sure you've seen all the funny, phenomenal things he's been up to. I love my Big Sol.

And my sweet Celie. My sweet Celie takes Creative Movement. She has an arsenal of tutus (all second hand, making them a little extra cool, a little unimportant). After she came home from class she showed me everything she learned. She was long and poised on the floor, feet kissing in a triangle, spine perfectly straight. She talked me through class, told me her favorite parts. She's reflective and smart and expressive. All qualities I highly value. She makes me really, really proud.

I think I'm finally getting the hang of two kids. It's almost a year in, but what the heck, everyone has a different learning curve. I am getting a bit more seamless. Can move from work to kids without so many potholes. Damn potholes. I'm beginning to get a bit more in the moment. Trying to bring my Dynamic Self to all I do. I get on my kids for capitalizing nouns that aren't proper. But it's kind of fun.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

so sweet--even with no sound on my work computer!

can you believe last year this time we had just had our feet done up in Pasadena and were complaining about our big bellies?

i love that each kid has such a unique path, too. my girl isn't even crawling while big sol walks. amazing!