Monday, March 21, 2011

our little house

We spent last night back in our little house for the first time in over four months. It was extremely sweet. And kinda weird. Because we fill the house so much more now. Sol is into every last, dust-bunnied corner and Eliana can't get enough of all the toys and books she hasn't seen since October.

Somehow they managed to both fall asleep in the same room last night. Amazing. Unfortunately it didn't last and when Sol woke at one, he brought his sister down with him. It actually was pretty funny. Sol up and big nurse. Then Els up. I snuggled in her bed with her whispering, trying to not let Sol know I was there. But he's sharp as a tack, that one. When he realized we were both there, we heard his little crib creaking like crazy. He was jumping up and down like a maniac, wild with excitement. We both started cracking up. Needless to say, it was hard for any of us to get back to sleep after that. But we all managed.

We welcomed a new day with Madonna's, "Into the Groove." Eliana was thrilled to be able to walk to school, just like we used to. She remembers everything. Everything about the rituals we established in the fall. It made me appreciate the ease of living so close to work infinitely more.

I'm now having a mama dejavu. They are both in the little room for their naps. I told Eliana to sing to Sol if he chatters, told her to help him. Ten or so minutes in she stormed out and said, "Mom! Soli won't listen to me and he won't go to sleep!" Say it, sistah.

I then told her to "model" for him what taking a nap looks like. Told her to close her eyes and settle her body and ignore him. Maybe it worked cuz while Sol still won't shut up, Els is finally quiet. I need them both to sleep. So I sit outside their door typing away as a way to monitor, but pretend I'm actually doing something important. I need him to get the excitement of sleeping in a room with his sister out of his system. But I hate sacrificing the sleep they both need in this moment.

Alas, our dark, walk-in closet days are over. It's time to build a new routine and pray for success!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

these toddlers and their memories, their capacity and enthusiam for rituals!

oh, and the babies and their sense of smell.

but you already have it down, sister, and they will soon, too.

3 weeks in the new place and Avi sort of went to bed by himself tonight. with the caveat that we'll probs be snuggling with him sometime after midnight. and it's all good.

keep thinking about our saturday chat--avi asked me what i was thinking about on our drive back from sf today and I said, "mantras" and he wanted to know more so i sang him the gayatri and the lokha samasta one . . . he loved it and somehow it helped us all ease into a really fun early evening together (:

love you guys!