Tuesday, December 16, 2008

and tonight

I gave her a bath, I put her in her jammies, she looked up at me and said, "Nurse? No." And just sort of snuggled into my chest. I asked her if she wanted to read some books. She said, "Yeah." So absolutely fine with the new way things were going. We read two books. I told her it was time to say, "Night night." And, as if it were nothing, she snuggled up with her baby, said, "Night night, mom. Love you." And I closed the door.

"Love you! Night, night!"
I heard through the door, my valiant little trooper, still full of love and rolling with the punches.


dig this chick said...

She yelled "love you night night" through the door? Oh my. Love your girl.

Gillian said...

the talking is out of control. she's a regular blabbermouth! i love it.
happy birthday sweet margot!!!!