Monday, December 1, 2008

buv you

An addendum to the lovefest, thankful post from yesterday sounds something like this.

"Buv you!"

It means, "Love you!" and Eliana has taken to saying it.

It's probably the most heartbreaking thing yet. While she's parroted us saying it for a week or so now, she just last night started shoutin' it out on her own.

It was after her 10:00 explosive poopy wake-up. We had changed her and fed her, put her in a new sleepy suit. As I was carrying her back into her room she looked at her daddy and said, "Buv you, dad."

Come on. It doesn't get much better than that.

Then this afternoon, when I was walking out of her room, after putting her down for a late nap, I heard those sweet words again.
"Buv you!"

I turned around, a ridiculously huge smile on my face.

"Oh honey. I love you too. I love you so much. I love you more than anything in the whole world."
"Night, night mom."
"Night, night sweetheart."

I then stood outside her closed door, heart full. I heard her talking to her baby and her puppy and her yellow blankie, spreading the love their way as well. What a wonder to have so much love in one heart. So much goodness to bring to your world.


Casey said...

Add to the moments of heart fullness: hearing my daughter say "night night, mama" when "night night" isn't something we say around here. (we say "bedybibeebo" - which is another story altogether!) But it fills me up to hear her bust out a phrase that she must have learned from her bff. And then there is the heart filling moment of Elie saying "buv you mwonna" from behind our curtains the other day. Your pea and my pea are seriously killing me! Buv you Gil.

Nicole said...

It definitely does not get any better than that. What a sweet sweet baby she is. In those precious moments, I feel a wave of warmth that is indescribable. I felt that just by reading your post, sweet mommy!

Kelli said...

Gil i just called my mom and Eli was there and mom said to her coo coo is on the phone say hi and she said hi then I had her put the phone to Eli's sear and I said I love you Eli and she responded buv you! I was elated!!! How cool is that?? Over the phone! Then I read your blog cuz I needed to see her face again and there was this blog entry called buv you! I guess she is feeling the love!