Wednesday, June 9, 2010

tiempo de familia

There's nothing like grandbabies who are weeks apart to get a family funfest really rocking. Kelli and her new little one, Annabelle, joined us in Missoula this weekend. Solomon and Annabelle are only weeks apart. What a joy it is to have two beautiful, funny creatures to really bring this family to life. And you thought we were loud before!
Eliana is trying to find her place in it all. She went from being the sole, adored grandchild to sharing her post with two teeny ones. Not an easy thing. Sometimes she seems fine with her role, at others she's full of tests and trials, doing everything in her power to be sure she's still noticed. It's lovely and exhausting and full for this mama. Here are some pictures that bring the technicolor time to life.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

lovely and exhausting and full, indeed. hear hear!

you look so beautiful with your silky straight hair (but you know i love your curls, too).

happy travels mamita. xo