my life is now a series of beautiful moments. it used to be bigger things. getting to work on time. teaching the kids how to read. rehearsing for a performance. making enchiladas. big things. things that required time and foresight and planning. now there is no planning, only this. now nothing particularly big happens, just a string of lovely, sweet, silly, unique moments. nothing but the present. when elie wakes at six to nurse after seven or so blissful hours of sleep, that is a love moment. she nurses and then falls back to sleep on my bare breast, where she sleeps until jeff's alarm goes off. then she's up with us, laughing and cooing and sending jeffy off with a smile. that's the best. those first few minutes of the day, when eliana realizes, hey, it's a new day! i'm so thrilled to be here! that makes her mom so excited to greet the day as well.
yesterday after our morning smiles, we packed up and headed up the mountain for a hike. autumn is here and the air is blue and crisp, the leaves on the aspens are yellowing, and everything feels charged and invigorating. i love hiking with my baby. she sleeps so well in her carrier, making sweet little noises throughout. at one point i looked down the trail and saw two school age children traversing the middle of the mountain, off the path. my first thought was one of responsibility - who are these kids, why are they not in school, why are they breaking trail and messing with my mountain? then i was distracted by the long, french braids in the girl's hair, her ankle length, long sleeved dress and lace up boots. i soon passed the rest of their family. mama in a white bonnet and long dress as well, holding a big baby on her hip, ten months or so at least. holding her hand was a barely walking toddler. trailing behind them were two others, perhaps three and five, hoofing it up the mountain, skirts whipping behind them in the morning breeze. i looked at myself. my fancy "ergo" baby carrier. my ipod. my patagonia fleece and brand new running shoes. i had so much in place to guarantee that this hike was as easy, as painless and cushiony, as possible. and here was this woman and her six children and not a whole lot else. it brought me back to the simple joys. the natural wonder of it all. that really, beyond our children, everything is superfluous.
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