Tuesday, August 21, 2007

lovefest 2007

when i was pregnant, my dear childhood friend, shiraz, had her second son. a few weeks after his birth she said something like, "you have no idea what sort of lovefest your life is about to become." she was absolutely right. my lovefest is ongoing, non-stop, rockin and rolling all the time. last night i had a mega lovefest moment when i woke up at four thirty to feed eliana and realized that she had been asleep, happily since eleven o'clock. what a baby! then my lovefest continued after she slurped and sucked happily for ten minutes and promptly fell back asleep until eight o'clock! then the lovefest carried on when we got out of bed and saw her in the gorgeous, pink sleepsack that she'd been in the night before (she just got big enough to fit into this fabulous little suit). jeff was out dealing with lucy's medicine and i woke up famished. so i tried to put the little miss in her bouncy seat on the table while i poached eggs. again, what a trooper! she just sat and bounced and stared, wide eyed, at all the wonder that is our kitchen. then i was even able to push it and grate a gyno zucchini so that i can bake zucchini bread later today (or whenever i get to it...). now her dad is hanging with her so that i can quickly type a few thoughts, get dressed, and drink my coffee. then we're off to hike up the "L", part of mommy's 'lose that fleshy baby belly' plan. elie loves hiking. she sleeps in the sling and changes up her coos and dolphin cries depending on how we're walking. if we are on a steep incline she gets faster and breathier. when we are walking on moderate, flat ground she gets quiet and more rhythmic. and when i stop moving, she stirs. so i never stop, always rock, keep my hips moving just like during labor, and we all get what we want. lovefest 2007 rages on!

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